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Heirs of the Republic is non-profit 501(c)3 mutual improvement group established to help us and our community become better stewards of our inheritance as citizens of this country by being more informed and educated about our nation’s history and the  critical issues of our day.


Jeff Utsch, founding member of Heirs of the Republic grassroots non-profit 501(c)3, has become a recognized constitutional scholar and historian with an interest in the founding of our country. Jeff previously served as a Director and Ambassador for the Navy SEAL Foundation, has 20 years of experience training U.S. military personnel, and is President and CEO of a small company in Tucson, Arizona.


In our effort to bring education and community engagement to our civic duties, Jeff started a monthly constitution study group over 10 years ago that continues to this day.  Join us 2nd Wednesdays of each month in an educational conversation with guest speakers at 6:30 pm for buffet dinner at ULike China Buffet - 5101 N Oracle Road, Tucson.  Each year, Heirs of the Republic brings you Freedom Expo, a 2 - day event featuring a dinner with keynote speakers and symposium style opportunities with local and national speakers of influence on current events supporting our American rights of freedom. 

© 2018 JU


Jeff Utsch 


Heirs of the Republic

Freedom Expo

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