In my painting I have President Ronald Reagan at his desk in the Oval Office. His demeanor is serious, because he is thinking of the immense responsibility he carries as the commander and chief of our country. In front of him is the work he has for the day; but he taken some time to do some personal things. To his right, a love note for Nancy; and in front of him is his Bible, open to his favorite verses marked in red.
The title of the painting is a reference to the plaque Reagan famously displayed on his desk: "It Can Be Done." This simple phrase has meaning to us all as we seek to strengthen America and make our country great again. Imagine President Reagan looking directly at you. What would he ask you? What would be your answer? I would suggest you remember his motto: "It can be done!"
Ronald Reagan- It Can Be Done - Jon McNaughton
11 x 17 unmatted